Where Stem Learning Happens

Kristen Zuieback

Kindergarten Teacher
Contact E-Mail

Hello!  My name is Kristen Zuieback and this will be my 10th year in the classroom. I spent the first 8 years as a first grade teacher and loved it. Teaching kindergarten allows me to bring in more of my skills as an Occupational Therapist. I was an OT in the schools for 10 years as well. In addition I owned a fitness business for 8 years and have a passion for health and wellness. 

I have a wonderful husband (Josh) who organizes my life during the school year. I have three kids, Max (20) studying to be a pilot, Sydney (17) she is a senior this year and jumps horses in her "free" time. Liam (13) will be in 8th grade this year and is an avid hockey player. So as you can see, my kids have chosen cheap hobbies!  They are my world. 

My philosophy about teaching: Kids learn by moving, and doing. Discovery is everything and allows kids to engage, recall, and love learning. I know what you as parents send to school everyday. I understand the love that goes into getting them here.  My job is to teach them how to be students who love to learn.  

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